We provide a platform to children and youth interested in Sports, Music, Art, Culture, Knowledge and Environment (SMACKE).
Underground-independent-Unorthodox (UiU).
Est. 2013.
"Against All Odds We Are Moving"

The Sports Desk aims to uplift the morale of children and youth in order to advance the talent of sports and leadership.
The Sports desk is tasked with initiating and implementing sports programmes targeting chilldren and youth.
Our purpose is to foster a community of players, to develop sports, and, most importantly, to have fun. We want to see children and youth learning, practicing and enjoying sports.

The Music, Art and Culture (MAC) Desk aims to uplift the morale of children and youth in order to advance the talents of artists and creativity.
This desk is tasked with initiating and implementing music, art and culture programmes targeting children and youth.
Our purpose is to develop music, arts, culture and most importantly to have fun. We want to see children and youth learning, practicing and enjoying music, arts and culture.

The Knowledge Desk is tasked with initiating and implementing a learning programme targeting primary and secondary school learners.
The Saturday and Holiday school programme inteds to uplift learners’ morale and advance their academic competencies.
The purpose is to foster a community of learners interested in mathematics and sciences careers, teach computer literacy, and promote reading, writing, and innovation.
We want to see learners learning subject matter for understanding rather than memorization.

The Environmental Desk aims to uplift the morale of the people in the community and advance a healthy and safe environment.
This desk is tasked with initiating and implementing environmental programmes targeting illegal dumping sites and schools sports field.
Our purpose is to foster a community of people working together, to develop a clean environment and most importantly to have gardens.
We want to see the community learning about and keeping the environment clean and fresh!